"Of all the trees we could've hit, we had to get one that hits back."
"Of all the trees we could've hit, we had to get one that hits back."- J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (via renny-rain)
occupygezipics: An anonymous donor and Sisli Municipality send...
An anonymous donor and Sisli Municipality send and install portable outdoor toilets in Gezi Park on Friday.
powerfulreclaim: Scenes from Turkiye.
Scenes from Turkiye.
Live from 'Occupied' Gezi Park: In Istanbul, a New Turkish Protest Movement Is Born | TIME.com
Live from 'Occupied' Gezi Park: In Istanbul, a New Turkish Protest Movement Is Born | TIME.com:Last Friday, Ali Riza Gurs, manager of a local food business, saw the number of sit-in demonstrators at an Istanbul park swell, and spotted a problem: They were hungry and thirsty and would not leave Gezi Park, which is located in the heart of Istanbul and one of the city's few remaining green space…Looks like the world is beginning to catch on to what's really going on!
"Istanbul's city center is now a timeless place after the police withdrawal. Closed by barricades,..."
"Istanbul's city center is now a timeless place after the police withdrawal. Closed by barricades, Gezi Park and Taksim now belong solely to people and ideologies previously deemed closed to the mainstream."-
(From Hürriyet Daily News)
occupygezipics: As mainstream media TV channels go live with PM...
As mainstream media TV channels go live with PM Erdogan's arrival in Istanbul, Halk TV, one of the very few stations that have been covering #occupygezi events, starts broadcasting a documentary about penguins.
Turks Angry Over Dearth of Protest Coverage by Established Media
Turks Angry Over Dearth of Protest Coverage by Established Media:As protesters took to the streets across the nation, Turkish television channels stuck to scheduled programming, and people turned to social media to find out what was going on.
azizinsanlar: Rulez the gas they're using is killing the...
the gas they're using is killing the feral animals…
solipsistic-tendencies: Istanbul/Izmir/Ankara - The Police...
Istanbul/Izmir/Ankara - The Police Violence
occupygezipics: Despite Istanbul's relative calm, police in...
Despite Istanbul's relative calm, police in Izmir attack people on the streets
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